Friday, December 28, 2012

Windows :- Genuine Message in Windows XP

Window Genuine message in window XP display due to auto check of your copy of window.  It shows that you are using illegal copy of windows and suggested to change it immediately with legal license.  Notification, appears as a log-in message, log-in timer and a balloon notification in the notification bar. Reasons this message may appear include the installation of a pirated copy of Windows XP, changed Windows XP license key or a Windows error.

Other People Are Reading
 How to Delete Genuine Warning From Windows XP How to Bypass Windows XP Genuine Validation Instructions

1. Open a command prompt window by going to "Start," then "Run." Type “cmd" and click “Enter” to open the command prompt window.

2. Type “CD C:\Windows\System32” and click “Enter” to access the System32 directory.

3. Open a blank Notepad document by going to "Start," then "All Programs," then "Accessories," then "Notepad."

4. Type the next below  lines into the blank document and press “Enter” after each line:

taskkill -IM wgatray.exe
del wgatray.exe
del wgalogon.dll

tskill -IM wgatray.exe
del wgatray.exe
del wgalogon.dll

5. Press “Ctrl-A” and select all three lines. Press “Ctrl-C” to copy the lines. Open your command prompt window and press “Ctrl-V” to paste and run the lines. This will stop the Windows XP Genuine Advantage Notification task and delete associated files to prevent the notification from appearing again.

6. Restart your computer to ensure the notification is gone.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Win 32 "Generic Host Process" Error

Lot of time we find that internet does not work in our computer after one or two minutes. If we set regedit in our computer as follow problem from computer will be removed.

Start>Run>regedit Press enter

In following path there will be "TransportBindName"="\Device" and "EnableDCOM"="Y". We have to change it as shown below



Problem :- After above setting our lan system of computer will not work. If you do not know about regedit function you can download below file and Press "Y" during it's running.

You can also check above files open with in Notepad. Problem regarding Hidden System file and Hidden Folder Option are also can be removed with the above files.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Delete autorun.inf file from pen drive or Partition


To delete autorun.inf file from Any Pen Drive or Any Partition, you have to take steps as given under:-
  • First of all, restart your computer in Safe Mode.
  • then , click on Start>run
  • type cmd
  • press enter
  • select your computer drive or path of pen drive. i.e. d: or e: or f: etc.
  • Press enter
  • Now, Type del autorun.inf
  • Press enter
  • if you receive message that 1 file has been deleted then you are free.
  • autorun.inf file has been removed from your pen drive or partition.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Download of Youtube


If you are interested to download from youtube then install realplayer in your computer after sucessful installation of real player. then it is very much easy to download you tube video.

Procedure of Download in real player
Right click on running picture of You tube , there is option to download in real player.

Monday, November 16, 2009

LPT1 (Dos) Printing to USB Printer


Video support of Installation of Virtual Lan Card

It is general problem, that lot of times, we are in position that we have dos based problem which sends printing only on LPT1 and we are USB inkjet/laser printer. Now printing is impossible through lpt1 to USB printer.

To print on Inkjet/Laser Printer through printing on LPT1. Some trick is given as under :-
1) Install virtual lan card . (To know installing virtual lan card Download (1 MB File) Video file and watch, installation will be 100% successful.)
2) Place IP numbers
3) Now share your Inkjet/Laser printer and remember shared named. (you can change shared printer name while doing printer on sharing)
4) Starts>run >cmd
5) Type below mentioned command on dos prompt.
net use LPT1 \\\name of shared printer

with the help of above command all printing of Lpt1 automatically re-directed to USB inkjet/laser printer.

to delete above setting :- type below command on dos prompt.
net use LPT1 /d
with the help of above command all printing of Lpt1 will be again on LPT1

In this way your printing problem will be resolved without having any lan card or any other hardware.

Download PDF file to review the setting in off line (Click Here)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Find and Replace in .txt file

Find and Replace in .txt file

It is magical that we can find and replace any text or any chr values in .txt file without opening it in notepad.

It's major requirement is a file named which creates easy to do it. It is a DOS (disk operating system) command. It works as under :-

In Windows 98/ xp / vista etc.
1) Start>Run>cmd
2) Type c: and then cd \ press enter
3) Place file here after download it from here.
4) Place any file.txt file in which you want to change text.
5) Command to change in file.txt is as under
change file.txt "old string " "new string"
change file.txt "old text" "new text"
change file.txt 26 ""
change file.txt 13,14 ""

Note :- in above examples 26 is chr value which will be converted in blank in file.txt under third example.

Click here to Download here

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Hidden Folder and Hidden System Files

To collect file to Open Hidden folder and files (Click Here)