Window Genuine message in window XP display due to auto check of your copy of window. It shows that you are using illegal copy of windows and suggested to change it immediately with legal license. Notification, appears as a log-in message, log-in timer and a balloon notification in the notification bar. Reasons this message may appear include the installation of a pirated copy of Windows XP, changed Windows XP license key or a Windows error.
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How to Delete Genuine Warning From Windows XP How to Bypass Windows XP Genuine Validation Instructions
1. Open a command prompt window by going to "Start," then "Run." Type “cmd" and click “Enter” to open the command prompt window.
2. Type “CD C:\Windows\System32” and click “Enter” to access the System32 directory.
3. Open a blank Notepad document by going to "Start," then "All Programs," then "Accessories," then "Notepad."
4. Type the next below lines into the blank document and press “Enter” after each line:
taskkill -IM wgatray.exe
del wgatray.exe
del wgalogon.dll
tskill -IM wgatray.exe
del wgalogon.dll
5. Press “Ctrl-A” and select all three lines. Press “Ctrl-C” to copy the lines. Open your command prompt window and press “Ctrl-V” to paste and run the lines. This will stop the Windows XP Genuine Advantage Notification task and delete associated files to prevent the notification from appearing again.
6. Restart your computer to ensure the notification is gone.